RFC 2729 (rfc2729) - Page 1 of 27

Taxonomy of Communication Requirements for Large-scale Multicast Applications

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Network Working Group                                          P. Bagnall
Request for Comments: 2729                                     R. Briscoe
Category: Informational                                        A. Poppitt
                                                            December 1999

                 Taxonomy of Communication Requirements
                 for Large-scale Multicast Applications

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   The intention of this memo is to define a classification system for
   the communication requirements of any large-scale multicast
   application (LSMA). It is very unlikely one protocol can achieve a
   compromise between the diverse requirements of all the parties
   involved in any LSMA. It is therefore necessary to understand the
   worst-case scenarios in order to minimize the range of protocols
   needed. Dynamic protocol adaptation is likely to be necessary which
   will require logic to map particular combinations of requirements to
   particular mechanisms.  Standardizing the way that applications
   define their requirements is a necessary step towards this.
   Classification is a first step towards standardization.

Bagnall, et al.              Informational