RFC 2862 (rfc2862) - Page 2 of 7

RTP Payload Format for Real-Time Pointers

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 2862       RTP Payload Format for Real-Time Pointers       June 2000

   A much simpler and economical system can be designed by capturing and
   transmitting the pointer coordinates separately [2]. The pointer
   coordinates with respect to a displayed viewgraph can easily be
   obtained in electronic presentation systems. For presentations
   prepared for optical systems, such as transparencies for overhead
   projectors, an arrangement where the viewgraph is captured in a frame
   buffer on a computer can be used to associate the pointer coordinates
   with the displayed viewgraph. For capturing transparencies, printed
   material, or even three dimensional objects, a document camera and a
   personal computer or workstation based video capture card can be
   used.  This arrangement can handle electronic viewgraphs by feeding
   the video output of the computer that displays them to the video
   capture card through an appropriate converter also. A side benefit of
   this is that it allows using a presenter's own computer to transmit
   electronic viewgraphs without connecting it to, for example, an
   intranet. The captured image is then displayed along with the
   capturing computer's mouse pointer on the presenter's display using a
   projector. The presenter moves the pointer on the display using a
   regular or maybe a wireless mouse whose location can easily be
   captured by appropriate software running on the capturing computer.

   This document describes an RTP payload format to transmit the pointer
   coordinates captured in one of the ways described above using RTP.
   Although, a mouse can be used as the pointer, this payload format is
   not intended and may not have all functionalities needed to implement
   a  general mouse event transmission mechanism.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3].

Civanlar & Cash             Standards Track