RFC 3219 (rfc3219) - Page 2 of 79

Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP)

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RFC 3219            Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP)        January 2002

   3.5  Telephony Routing Information Bases  ......................   7
   3.6  Routes in TRIP  ...........................................   9
   3.7  Aggregation  ..............................................   9
   4    Message Formats  ..........................................  10
   4.1  Message Header Format  ....................................  10
   4.2  OPEN Message Format  ......................................  11
   4.3  UPDATE Message Format  ....................................  15
   4.4  KEEPALIVE Message Format   ................................  22
   4.5  NOTIFICATION Message Format   .............................  23
   5    TRIP Attributes   .........................................  24
   5.1  WithdrawnRoutes  ..........................................  24
   5.2  ReachableRoutes  ..........................................  28
   5.3  NextHopServer   ...........................................  29
   5.4  AdvertisementPath   .......................................  31
   5.5  RoutedPath  ...............................................  35
   5.6  AtomicAggregate   .........................................  36
   5.7  LocalPreference   .........................................  37
   5.8  MultiExitDisc  ............................................  38
   5.9  Communities  ..............................................  39
   5.10 ITAD Topology    ..........................................  41
   5.11 ConvertedRoute  ...........................................  43
   5.12 Considerations for Defining New TRIP Attributes   .........  44
   6    TRIP Error Detection and Handling   .......................  44
   6.1  Message Header Error Detection and Handling   .............  45
   6.2  OPEN Message Error Detection and Handling   ...............  45
   6.3  UPDATE Message Error Detection and Handling   .............  46
   6.4  NOTIFICATION Message Error Detection and Handling   .......  48
   6.5  Hold Timer Expired Error Handling   .......................  48
   6.6  Finite State Machine Error Handling   .....................  48
   6.7  Cease   ...................................................  48
   6.8  Connection Collision Detection   ..........................  48
   7    TRIP Version Negotiation   ................................  49
   8    TRIP Capability Negotiation   .............................  50
   9    TRIP Finite State Machine   ...............................  50
   10   UPDATE Message Handling   .................................  55
   10.1 Flooding Process   ........................................  56
   10.2 Decision Process   ........................................  58
   10.3  Update-Send Process   ..................................... 62
   10.4  Route Selection Criteria   ................................ 67
   10.5  Originating TRIP Routes   ................................. 67
   11    TRIP Transport   .......................................... 68
   12    ITAD Topology   ........................................... 68
   13    IANA Considerations  ...................................... 68
   13.1  TRIP Capabilities   ....................................... 68
   13.2  TRIP Attributes    ........................................ 69
   13.3  Destination Address Families   ............................ 69
   13.4  TRIP Application Protocols   .............................. 69
   13.5  ITAD Numbers   ............................................ 70

Rosenberg, et. al.          Standards Track