RFC 325 (rfc325) - Page 2 of 9

Network Remote Job Entry program - NETRJS

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RFC 325             Network Remote Job Entry Program          April 1972


   To use the UCLA 360/91 via RJS it is necessary to:

             1) Have a valid account at UCLA
             2) Have an assigned RJS terminal id.

   These can both be obtained from:

          Bob Braden
          Math Sciences Building
          3531 Boelter Hall
          Los Angeles, Calif. 90024
          (213) 825-7518

   The remainder of this paper describes the program in greater detail
   and the steps necessary to run a users program at UCLA.


   There are some jobs that are compute bound for such a long time that
   they seriously affect response time for interactive users.  These are
   jobs that run from ten hours upward.  Another computer was needed to
   handle these jobs.  The UCLA-CCN 360/91 was suggested.  The 360/91 is
   primarily a batch processing type of system where, as a matter of
   course, it is tuned to jobs that typically run for hours.  UCLA does
   have software to allow jobs to be submitted via remote terminals,
   either through direct communication lines or through the ARPANET.


   UCLA's software allowed the remote terminals to have unlimited
   connect time (i.e. The time the terminal was actually connected to
   the 360/91) at no charge to the  user.  The software at UCLA required
   that each terminal be allotted 2k (2048 S/360 bytes) core for each
   connection that is open at any one time.  Now, since each terminal
   could have a virtual card reader, virtual line printer and a virtual
   card punch, this means that one terminal could occupy 10k of core at
   UCLA.  This - according to the UCLA systems people  - would put a
   heavy load on the system if all the ports were occupied at once.  So
   to alleviate this situation - as a matter of design decision - it was
   decided to have the operator request to have the various connections
   opened.  The operator could not have more than three connections at
   any one time.  He could have the two operator connections and one of
   the following open at once:
