RFC 354 (rfc354) - Page 3 of 25

File Transfer Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

The File Transfer Protocol                                  July 8, 1972

file                An ordered set of computer data (including
                    programs) of arbitrary length uniquely
                    identified by a pathname.

mode                The mode in which data is to be transferred
                    via the data connection. The mode defines
                    the data format including EOR and EOF. The
                    transfer modes defined in FTP are described
                    in Section III.A.

NVT                 The Network Virtual Terminal as defined in
                    the ARPANET TELNET Protocol.

NVFS                The Network Virtual File System. A concept
                    which defines a standard network file system
                    with standard commands and pathname
                    conventions. FTP only partially embraces the
                    NFS concept at this time.

pathname            Pathname is defined to be the character
                    string which must be input to a file system
                    by a user in order to identify a file.
                    Pathname normally contains device and/or
                    directory names, and file name specification.
                    FTP does not yet specify a standard pathname
                    convention. Each user must follow the file
                    naming conventions of hte file systems he
                    wishes to use.

record              A sequential file may be structured as a
                    number of contiguous parts called records.
                    Record structures are supported by FTP but
                    are not mandatory.

reply               A reply is an acknowledgment (positive or
                    negative) sent from server to user via the
                    telnet connections in response to FTP
                    commands. The general form of a reply is a
                    completion code (including error codes)
                    followed by an ASCII text string. The codes
                    are for use by programs and the text is for
                    human users.

server-FTP process  A process or set of processes which perform
                    the function of file transfer in cooperation
                    with a user-FTP process. The server-FTP
                    process must interpret and respond to user
                    commands and initiate the data connection.