RFC 388 (rfc388) - Page 2 of 5

NCP statistics

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 388                      NCP Statistics                  August 1972

                        16         16
   word 0        |  Day #   |  Time      |
                    |            |
   1 - 365 (6 on leap year)      |______
                            Time in minutes at which sample was
                         started. Ranges from 0 (midnight) to 1439.

                8      8
   word 1   | Source | Byte |   N   |  Format  |
            |   Host | Size |       |          |
                |     |       |          |__________
         _______|     |       |                     |
        |             |  number of HOST             |
   Network Host       |  related entries  +---+---+---+---+---+---+
    number            |  in message       |   |   | C | R | B | M |
                      |                   +---+---+---+---+---+---+
           number of bits per                       |   |  |   |
           byte in byte statistics         ____ ____|   |  | message
                                           |         ___|  | statistics
                                           |        |     byte
                                       control      |  statistics
                              message distribution  |
                                               round-trip time
