RFC 40 (rfc40) - Page 2 of 3

More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

      value   Semantics

         13         Message received on blocked link.
        14-1F       Unused.
         20         Unknown command code.
         21         Message received on unconnected link.
         22         Invalid .
         23         Invalid .
         24         Invalid , i.e., link not connected.
         25         Invalid .
         26         Invalid .
         27         Invalid .
         28         Invalid , i.e., not connected.
        29-2F       Unused.
        30-FF       Unused.



The  is the query indicated in NWG/RFC #39 and  is the reply.
The format of  is shown below; also refer to NWG/RFC #36, p. 3.

