RFC 482 (rfc482) - Page 1 of 4

Traffic statistics (February 1973)

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Network Working Group                                        A. McKenzie
Request for Comments: 482                                        BBN-NET
NIC: 14966                                                 12 March 1973
Updates: RFC 455

                   Traffic Statistics (February 1973)

   Attached are the Host traffic statistics for the month of February


                          HOST THROUGHPUT SUMMARY
                             (PACKETS OUTPUT)

                               FEBRUARY 1973

                           MISSING DATA FOR 7, 8

                    INTER-    INTRA-              AVG. DAILY
                     NODE      NODE      TOTAL     INTERNODE    DAYS

   UCLA  HOST 1     317437     34933    352370
   UCLA  HOST 2    1058286     63540   1121826
                  --------  --------  --------
                   1375723     98473   1474196         52912      26

   SRI   HOST 1    2423370    100583   2523953
   SRI   HOST 2     130260      8178    138438
                  --------  --------  --------
                   2553630    108761   2662391         98217      26

   UCSB  HOST 1     914034    974131   1888165         35155      26

   UTAH  HOST 1     627257    143632    770889         24125      26

   BBN   HOST 1          0      4640      4640
   BBN   HOST 2    3552317    779092   4331409
   BBN   HOST 3      79020     72763    151783
   BBN   HOST 4     150285      4529    154814
                  --------  --------  --------
                   3781622    861024   4642646        145447      26
