RFC 58 (rfc58) - Page 2 of 2

Logical Message Synchronization

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Another partial solution requires the original restriction that
logical messages always start on physical boundaries.  A user then
merely has to examine the beginning of each physical message to see if
it fits the pattern of a logical message header.  This technique is a
lot safer than examining the entire input stream as well as being
quite a bit faster.

I have not intended to suggest a solution to the problem, but merely
bring it to light.  If we want to restrict logical messages to begin
on physical boundaries we must plan this early in the game.  (It
probably works out that way in most cases anyway.)  Other schemes can
be tried later.  We must, however, face up to this problem fairly

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
        [ into the online RFC archives by Carl Alexander 7/97 ]