RFC 608 (rfc608) - Page 2 of 4

Host names on-line

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

RFC 608                    Host Names On-Line               January 1974

    2)  We shall initially include only the following items in each


            in which  will be a decimal host address,
            relative to the Host's own Network, and

            in which  will be the official Host Name, a
            string obtained through negotiation between the Host and the
            NIC, governed by these constraints:

                up to 48 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z),
                digits (0-9), and the minus sign (-) ... specifically,
                no blank or space characters allowed;

                no distinction between upper and lower case letters;

                the first character is a letter;

                the last character is NOT a minus sign;

                no other restrictions on content or syntax.

            Note:  The Host Name may be prefixed with an Official
            Network Name of up to 24 characters enclosed in parentheses
            ().  The Network Name designates the Network in which the
            Host resides.

                (The characters used in the Network Name are drawn from
                the same character set as those in the Host Name, with
                the same constraints [except the length] as listed

                The ASCII text file will only contain the Official
                Network name for Hosts NOT on the ARPANET; for ARPANET
                Hosts there will be no Network Name prefix.


            in which  initially will have the single
            possible value STATUS, and the corresponding value of
             for STATUS will be one of these:

