RFC 66 (rfc66) - Page 2 of 3

NIC - third level ideas and other noise

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RFC 66              3rd Level Ideas and other Noise

Network Working Group                                   S. Crocker
Request for Comments #66                                UCLA
                                                        26 August 70

reserved for contact with the user. Thus the serving NCP sends

                 1           4          1
               | STR |       1        | US|

on link 1, followed by

                     |    SS   |

on link p. Note that SS must be even.

After sending the server socket number, SS, the NCP sends

            1          4                     4
           |CLS |         1        |        US |
           |STR |      SS+1        |        US |
           |RTS |      SS          |      US+1 |  q |
           |ALL | q |       space      |