RFC 1113 (rfc1113) - Page 1 of 34

Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I - message encipherment and authentication procedures

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            J. Linn
Request for Comments:  1113                                          DEC
Obsoletes RFCs: 989, 1040                         IAB Privacy Task Force
                                                             August 1989

           Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail:
      Part I -- Message Encipherment and Authentication Procedures


   This RFC suggests a draft standard elective protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This RFC is the outgrowth of a series of IAB Privacy Task Force
   meetings and of internal working papers distributed for those
   meetings.  I would like to thank the following Privacy Task Force
   members and meeting guests for their comments and contributions at
   the meetings which led to the preparation of this RFC: David
   Balenson, Curt Barker, Jim Bidzos, Matt Bishop, Danny Cohen, Tom
   Daniel, Charles Fox, Morrie Gasser, Russ Housley, Steve Kent
   (chairman), John Laws, Steve Lipner, Dan Nessett, Mike Padlipsky, Rob
   Shirey, Miles Smid, Steve Walker, and Steve Wilbur.

Table of Contents

   1.  Executive Summary                                               2
   2.  Terminology                                                     3
   3.  Services, Constraints, and Implications                         3
   4.  Processing of Messages                                          7
   4.1  Message Processing Overview                                    7
   4.1.1  Types of Keys                                                7
   4.1.2  Processing Procedures                                        8
   4.2  Encryption Algorithms and Modes                                9
   4.3  Privacy Enhancement Message Transformations                   10
   4.3.1  Constraints                                                 10
   4.3.2  Approach                                                    11  Step 1: Local Form                                        12  Step 2: Canonical Form                                    12  Step 3: Authentication and Encipherment                   12  Step 4: Printable Encoding                                13  Summary of Transformations                                15
   4.4  Encapsulation Mechanism                                       15
   4.5  Mail for Mailing Lists                                        17
   4.6  Summary of Encapsulated Header Fields                         18
