RFC 1163 (rfc1163) - Page 1 of 29

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                        K. Lougheed
Request for Comments: 1163                                 cisco Systems
Obsoletes: RFC 1105                                           Y. Rekhter
                                   T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp
                                                               June 1990

                    A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

Status of this Memo

   This RFC, together with its companion RFC-1164, "Application of the
   Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet", define a Proposed Standard
   for an inter-autonomous system routing protocol for the Internet.

   This protocol, like any other at this initial stage, may undergo
   modifications before reaching full Internet Standard status as a
   result of deployment experience.  Implementers are encouraged to
   track the progress of this or any protocol as it moves through the
   standardization process, and to report their own experience with the

   This protocol is being considered by the Interconnectivity Working
   Group (IWG) of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
   Information about the progress of BGP can be monitored and/or
   reported on the IWG mailing list ().

   Please refer to the latest edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" RFC for current information on the state and status of
   standard Internet protocols.

   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

      1.  Acknowledgements......................................    2
      2.  Introduction..........................................    2
      3.  Summary of Operation..................................    4
      4.  Message Formats.......................................    5
      4.1 Message Header Format.................................    5
      4.2 OPEN Message Format...................................    6
      4.3 UPDATE Message Format.................................    8
      4.4 KEEPALIVE Message Format..............................   10
      4.5 NOTIFICATION Message Format...........................   10
      5.  Path Attributes.......................................   12
      6.  BGP Error Handling....................................   14
      6.1 Message Header error handling.........................   14
      6.2 OPEN message error handling...........................   15

Lougheed & Rekhter