RFC 1297 (rfc1297) - Page 1 of 12

NOC Internal Integrated Trouble Ticket System Functional Specification Wishlist ("NOC TT REQUIREMENTS")

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         D. Johnson
Request for Comments: 1297                           Merit Network, Inc.
                                                            January 1992

             NOC Internal Integrated Trouble Ticket System
                   Functional Specification Wishlist
                        ("NOC TT REQUIREMENTS")

Status of the Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is


   Professional quality handling of network problems requires some kind
   of problem tracking system, herein referred to as a "trouble ticket"
   system.  A basic trouble ticket system acts like a hospital chart,
   coordinating the work of multiple people who may need to work on the

   Once the basic trouble ticket system is in place, however, there are
   many extensions that can aid Network Operations efficiency.
   Information in the tickets can be used to produce statistical
   reports.  Operator efficiency and accuracy may be increased by
   automating trouble ticket entry with information from the network
   Alert system.  The Alert system may be used to monitor trouble ticket
   progress.  Trouble tickets may be also used to communicate network
   health information between NOCs, to telcom vendors, and to other
   internal sales and engineering audiences.

   This document explores competing uses, architectures, and desirable
   features of integrated internal trouble ticket systems for Network
   and other Operations Centers.


   This RFC describes general functions of a Trouble Ticket system that
   could be designed for Network Operations Centers.  The document is
   being distributed to members of the Internet community in order to
   stimulate discussions of new production-oriented operator-level
   application tools for network operations.  Hopefully, this will
   result both in more ideas for improving NOC performance, and in more
   available tools that incorporate those ideas.
