RFC 131 (rfc131) - Page 1 of 3

Response to RFC 116: May NWG meeting

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                  E. Harslem - Rand
Request For Comments: 131                              J. Heafner - Rand
                                                              April 1971

                 Response to RFC #116 (May NWG Meeting)

Phase One

Software Status of 360/65

     1) Our software is currently being changed to reflect the new NCP
protocol delineated in RFC #107.  These changes will be completed
before the end of May.

     2) We are implementing a logger that, after an automatic ICP
dialog, can be driven from a local console.  Any desirable messages
can be sent or received in EBCDIC, ASCII (8), or as binary streams.
The purpose of the logger is to allow sites to checkout remote log in
procedures.  Since no production-oriented services will be offered on
the 360/65, the logger is for experimental purposes only.  It will be
completed before the end of May.

     3) We have not planned a TELNET. We will, however, implement both
server and user TELNETs once a specification is generally accepted.
Implementation time will be on the order of two weeks.

Transition from 360/65 to PDP-10

     1) We plan to move from our 360/65 to a PDP-10.  Rand will offer
Network services on the PDP-10.  The hardware and software status of
the PDP-10 will be reported later.

     2) The 360/65 Network connection will remain for some time due to
its production use by another ARPA-sponsored project at Rand.
Maintenance of the 360/65 Network software will be provided for the
lifetime of the connection but no new programs will be developed on
the 360/65 after September.