RFC 1324 (rfc1324) - Page 1 of 11

A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         D. Reed
Request for Comments: 1324                                   May 1992

             A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is


   This memo is intended to make more people aware of the present
   developments in the Computer Conferencing field as well as put
   forward ideas on what should be done to formalize this work so that
   there is a common standard for programmers and others who are
   involved in this field to work with.  It is also the intention of
   this memo to stimulate the computer community and generate some
   useful discussion about the merits of this field.


   Computer network conferencing is just now starting to grow and take
   advantage of the modern technology that is available.  Although there
   are some systems which have been around for some time (BRC - Bitnet
   Relay Chat and IRC - Internet Relay Chat), there has not been any
   real move to bring them together under a single protocol. This has
   led to various protocols and different systems coming to life. As
   these different systems continue to pop up, it is becoming more
   obvious that there is need of a standard in this area for developers
   to follow without the need of worrying about protocol clashes.

   In any implementation of a conferencing program, there are likely to
   be two main components: (1) a client program or interface which users
   enter commands into (hereafter referred to as a "client") and 2) a
   server program which acts as a multiplexor for various clients which
   connect to it. There are other expectations and requirements for both
   servers and clients which are mentioned in more detail later.

Table of Contents

   1.0     Network Conferencing Today........................... 2
   1.1     Conferencing in general today........................ 2
   1.2     Talk/phone vs. conferencing.......................... 3
   1.3     Advantages of realtime network conferencing.......... 3
   2.0     Goals for what a protocol should provide............. 4
