RFC 1331 (rfc1331) - Page 1 of 66

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         W. Simpson
Request for Comments: 1331                                    Daydreamer
Obsoletes: RFCs 1171, 1172                                      May 1992

                   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
                                for the
                Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams
                       over Point-to-Point Links

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a method for transmitting
   datagrams over serial point-to-point links.  PPP is comprised of
   three main components:

      1. A method for encapsulating datagrams over serial links.

      2. A Link Control Protocol (LCP) for establishing, configuring,
         and testing the data-link connection.

      3. A family of Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for establishing
         and configuring different network-layer protocols.

   This document defines the PPP encapsulation scheme, together with the
   PPP Link Control Protocol (LCP), an extensible option negotiation
   protocol which is able to negotiate a rich assortment of
   configuration parameters and provides additional management

   This RFC is a product of the Point-to-Point Protocol Working Group of
   the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).  Comments on this memo
   should be submitted to the  mailing list.

Simpson                                                         [Page i]

RFC 1331                Point-to-Point Protocol                 May 1992

Table of Contents

     1.     Introduction ..........................................    1
        1.1       Specification of Requirements ...................    3
        1.2       Terminology .....................................    3

     2.     Physical Layer Requirements ...........................    4

     3.     The Data Link Layer ...................................    5
        3.1       Frame Format ....................................    6

     4.     PPP Link Operation ....................................   10
        4.1       Overview ........................................   10
        4.2       Phase Diagram ...................................   10
        4.3       Link Dead (physical-layer not ready) ............   10
        4.4       Link Establishment Phase ........................   11
        4.5       Authentication Phase ............................   11
        4.6       Network-Layer Protocol Phase ....................   12
        4.7       Link Termination Phase ..........................   12

     5.     The Option Negotiation Automaton ......................   14
        5.1       State Diagram ...................................   15
        5.2       State Transition Table ..........................   16
        5.3       States ..........................................   18
        5.4       Events ..........................................   20
        5.5       Actions .........................................   24
        5.6       Loop Avoidance ..................................   26
        5.7       Counters and Timers .............................   27

     6.     LCP Packet Formats ....................................   28
        6.1       Configure-Request ...............................   30
        6.2       Configure-Ack ...................................   31
        6.3       Configure-Nak ...................................   32
        6.4       Configure-Reject ................................   33
        6.5       Terminate-Request and Terminate-Ack .............   35
        6.6       Code-Reject .....................................   36
        6.7       Protocol-Reject .................................   38
        6.8       Echo-Request and Echo-Reply .....................   39
        6.9       Discard-Request .................................   40

     7.     LCP Configuration Options .............................   42
        7.1       Format ..........................................   43
        7.2       Maximum-Receive-Unit ............................   44
        7.3       Async-Control-Character-Map .....................   45
        7.4       Authentication-Protocol .........................   47
        7.5       Quality-Protocol ................................   49
        7.6       Magic-Number ....................................   51

Simpson                                                        [Page ii]

RFC 1331                Point-to-Point Protocol                 May 1992

        7.7       Protocol-Field-Compression ......................   54
        7.8       Address-and-Control-Field-Compression ...........   56

     APPENDICES ...................................................   58

     A.     Asynchronous HDLC .....................................   58

     B.     Fast Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Implementation ........   61
        B.1       FCS Computation Method ..........................   61
        B.2       Fast FCS table generator ........................   63

     C.     LCP Recommended Options ...............................   64

     SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ......................................   65

     REFERENCES ...................................................   65

     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................   66

     CHAIR'S ADDRESS ..............................................   66

     AUTHOR'S ADDRESS .............................................   66

Simpson                                                       [Page iii]

RFC 1331                Point-to-Point Protocol                 May 1992

1.  Introduction


      In the last few years, the Internet has seen explosive growth in
      the number of hosts supporting TCP/IP.  The vast majority of these
      hosts are connected to Local Area Networks (LANs) of various
      types, Ethernet being the most common.  Most of the other hosts
      are connected through Wide Area Networks (WANs) such as X.25 style
      Public Data Networks (PDNs).  Relatively few of these hosts are
      connected with simple point-to-point (i.e., serial) links.  Yet,
      point-to-point links are among the oldest methods of data
      communications and almost every host supports point-to-point
      connections.  For example, asynchronous RS-232-C [1] interfaces
      are essentially ubiquitous.


      One reason for the small number of point-to-point IP links is the
      lack of a standard encapsulation protocol.  There are plenty of
      non-standard (and at least one de facto standard) encapsulation
      protocols available, but there is not one which has been agreed
      upon as an Internet Standard.  By contrast, standard encapsulation
      schemes do exist for the transmission of datagrams over most
      popular LANs.

      PPP provides an encapsulation protocol over both bit-oriented
      synchronous links and asynchronous links with 8 bits of data and
      no parity.  These links MUST be full-duplex, but MAY be either
      dedicated or circuit-switched.  PPP uses HDLC as a basis for the

      PPP has been carefully designed to retain compatibility with most
      commonly used supporting hardware.  In addition, an escape
      mechanism is specified to allow control data such as XON/XOFF to
      be transmitted transparently over the link, and to remove spurious
      control data which may be injected into the link by intervening
      hardware and software.

      The PPP encapsulation also provides for multiplexing of different
      network-layer protocols simultaneously over the same link.  It is
      intended that PPP provide a common solution for easy connection of
      a wide variety of hosts, bridges and routers.

      Some protocols expect error free transmission, and either provide
      error detection only on a conditional basis, or do not provide it
      at all.  PPP uses the HDLC Frame Check Sequence for error
      detection.  This is commonly available in hardware
