RFC 1495 (rfc1495) - Page 1 of 11

Mapping between X

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Network Working Group                                      H. Alvestrand
Request for Comments: 1495                                  SINTEF DELAB
Updates: 1327                                                   S. Kille
                                                        ISODE Consortium
                                                                R. Miles
                                                       Soft*Switch, Inc.
                                                                 M. Rose
                                            Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
                                                             S. Thompson
                                                       Soft*Switch, Inc.
                                                             August 1993

            Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet
   community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
   Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol
   Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction .............................................    1
   2.  Approach .................................................    2
   3.  Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies .........    3
   3.1  Mapping from X.400 to RFC-822 ...........................    4
   3.2  Mapping from RFC-822 to X.400 ...........................    5
   3.2.1 Asymmetric Mappings ....................................    6 Message/External-Body ................................    6 Message/Partial ......................................    6 Nested Multipart Content-types .......................    6
   3.2.2 Multipart IPMS Heading Extension .......................    7
   4.  Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Headers ........    7
   5.  OID Assignments ..........................................    9
   6.  Security Considerations ..................................    9
   7.  Authors' Addresses .......................................   10
   8.  References ...............................................   11

1.  Introduction

   The Internet community is a large collection of networks under
   autonomous administration, but sharing a core set of protocols.
   These are known as the Internet suite of protocols (or simply

   Use of electronic-mail in the Internet is defined primarily by one

Alvestrand, Kille, Miles, Rose & Thompson