RFC 15 (rfc15) - Page 2 of 5

Network subsystem for time sharing hosts

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RFC 15          Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts  September 1969

   users at HOST A to connect to HOST B and appear as a regular terminal
   user to HOST B.  It is expected that more sophisticated subsystems
   will be developed in time, but this basic one will render the early
   net immediately useful.

    Terminal        ______                                 ________
    _________      |      |     ______          ______    |        |
   |         |     | USER |    |      |        |      |   |SERVING |
   |         |-----| HOST |----|      |---//---|      |---| HOST   |
   |_________|     |  A   |    |      |        |      |   |  B     |
                   |______|    |______|        |______|   |________|
                  University                               Stanford
                   of Utah                                 Research

   Figure 1:  User accesses distant serving HOST via shunt
              subsystem in his own Host computer.

Simple Dialogue -- PDP-10 to 940

   A user at Utah is sitting at a teletype dialed into the University's
   dual PDP-10's.  He wishes to operate the CAL sub-system on the 940 at
   SRI in Menlo Park, California.


     ------------                      is issued to call and start
                                       the TELNET subsystem.
   *ESCAPE CHARACTER IS #          The user indicates an escape
    -------------------------          character which TELNET
                                       will watch for in subsequent
                                       input from the user.

   *CONNECT TO SRI                 The TELNET subsystem will make
    ------------------                 the appropriate system call
                                       (UUO) to establish a primary
                                       connection.  The connection
                                       will be established, provided:
                                       1.  SRI is willing to accept
                                       another foreign user;
                                       2.  The UTAH user is cleared
                                       for network access at UTAH.
                                       This is determined by a
                                       status word kept in the PDP-10
                                       monitor for each user.
