RFC 1601 (rfc1601) - Page 1 of 6

Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         C. Huitema
Request for Comments: 1601                   Internet Architecture Board
Obsoletes: 1358                                               March 1994
Category: Informational

            Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This memo documents the composition, selection, roles, and
   organization of the Internet Architecture Board and its subsidiary

1.  IAB Membership

   The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) shall consist of 13 voting
   members, composed of the IETF chair and 12 full members.  The IETF
   chair, who is also the chair of the IESG, may vote on all official
   IAB actions except the approval of IESG members.  Ex-officio members
   and a liaison from the IESG may also attend IAB meetings but shall
   have no vote on official actions.

   Voting IAB members shall serve for a term of two years, but may serve
   any number of terms.

   Members of the IAB shall serve as individuals, and not as
   representatives of any company, agency, or other organization.

   1.1  Selection of voting IAB members

      Voting IAB members shall be nominated by the nominating committee
      of the IETF and appointed by an appropriate group.  The 12 full
      members shall be approved by vote of the Board of Trustees of the
      Internet Society (ISOC), while the IETF chair shall be approved by
      vote of the 12 full IAB members then sitting.  Normally, six new
      full members are nominated each year.

      The IETF nomination committee is formed every year and consists of
      a non-voting chair designated by the Internet Society and seven
      members picked at random from a pool of volunteers.  Any person
      who took part in two IETF meetings in the last two years may
