RFC 1615 (rfc1615) - Page 1 of 17

Migrating from X

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                        J. Houttuin
Request for Comments: 1615                              RARE Secretariat
RARE Technical Report: 9                                      J. Craigie
Category: Informational                               Joint Network Team
                                                                May 1994

                 Migrating from X.400(84) to X.400(88)

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   In the context of a European pilot for an X.400(88) messaging
   service, this document compares such a service to its X.400(84)
   predecessor.  It is aimed at a technical audience with a knowledge of
   electronic mail in general and X.400 protocols in particular.


   This document compares X.400(88) to X.400(84) and describes what
   problems can be anticipated in the migration, especially considering
   the migration from the existing X.400(84) infrastructure created by
   the COSINE MHS project to an X.400(88) infrastructure. It not only
   describes the technical complications, but also the effect the
   transition will have on the end users, especially concerning
   interworking between end users of the 84 and the 88 services.

Table of Contents

   1. New Functionality                                              2
   2. OSI Supporting Layers                                          3
   3. General Extension Mechanism                                    5
   4. Interworking                                                   5
      4.1. Mixed 84/88 Domains                                       5
      4.2. Generation of OR-Name Extensions from X.400(84)           6
      4.3. Distribution List Interworking with X.400(84)             8
      4.4. P2 Interworking                                          10
   5. Topology for Migration                                        11
   6. Conclusion                                                    12
   7. Security Considerations                                       13
   Appendix A - DL-expanded and Redirected Messages in X.400(84)    14
   Appendix B - Bibliography                                        14
   Appendix C - MHS Terminology                                     15

Houttuin & Craigie