RFC 1616 (rfc1616) - Page 2 of 44


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RFC 1616     X.400(88) for European Academics and Research      May 1994

   initiatives the VALUE program supports X.400 initiatives in certain
   countries. VALUE support has so far been limited to X.400(1984)
   initiatives, as X.400(1984) has up until now been the dominating OSI
   services. However as X.400(1988) implementations have started to
   appear a VALUE funded study of the X.400(1988) aspects of messaging
   and their impact on the R&D community was felt necessary. This report
   is one of the results of that study.

   The report documents the results of a task force on X.400(1988)
   deployment of the RARE Mails and Messaging Work Group during the
   period from November 1992 until October 1993. Open reviews of the
   report have occurred in the RARE Mail and Messaging Work Group and
   within the IETF X.400ops Working Group.

   The scope of the report is limited to deployment of X.400(1988)
   services, and as such the report does not contain any recommendations
   on development and deployment of Internet RFC 822 / MIME/ PEM related
   (pilot) services. However, since the report shows that both
   X.400(1988) and RFC 822 / MIME / PEM will be developed and used
   within the European R&D community, such a pilot should also
   considered.  Note: RFC 822 is also known as Internet STD 11.

   Circulation of this report is unlimited. Comments on this report may
   be sent to the e-mail distribution list:

    RFC 822: 
    X.400:   S=wg-msg;O=rare;P=surf;A=400net;C=nl;

Task Force Members:

    Claudio Allocchio (INFN),
    Harald T. Alvestrand (SINTEF),
    James C. I. Craigie (JNT),
    Urs Eppenberger (SWITCH),
    Frode Hernes (maXware),
    Jeroen Houttuin (RARE),
    Erik Huizer (SURFnet) - chairman,
    Steve Kille (ISODE Consortium),
    James A. (Jim) Romaguera (NetConsult).

    Editors: James A. (Jim) Romaguera & Erik Huizer

   The work of this Task Force has been funded by the Commission of
   European Communities (CEC) VALUE subprogram II, Stichting SURF and
   SURFnet bv.

RARE WG-MSG Task Force 88