RFC 1684 (rfc1684) - Page 1 of 10

Introduction to White Pages Services based on X

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            P. Jurg
Request for Comments: 1684                                    SURFnet bv
Category: Informational                                      August 1994

          Introduction to White Pages Services based on X.500

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This document aims at organisations who are using local and global
   electronic communication on a day to day basis and for whom using an
   electronic White Pages Service is therefore indispensable.

   The document provides an introduction to the international ITU-T
   (formerly CCITT) X.500 and ISO 9594 standard, which is particularly
   suited for providing an integrated local and global electronic White
   Pages Service.

   In addition a short overview of the experience gained from the
   Paradise X.500 pilot is given. References to more detailed
   information are included.

   The document should be useful for managers of the above mentioned
   organisations who need to get the necessary executive commitment for
   making the address information of their organisation available by
   means of X.500.

Table Of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................  2
   2. Concept of X.500 ............................................  3
     2.1  Directory Model .........................................  3
     2.2  Information Model .......................................  4
   3.  Benefits of X.500 ..........................................  5
   4.  Organisational aspects of X.500(experience from Paradise) ..  6
   5.  Applications of X.500 ......................................  8
   6.  References .................................................  9
   7.  Security Considerations .................................... 10
   8.  Author's Address ........................................... 10

RARE Working Group on Network Applications Support