RFC 171 (rfc171) - Page 1 of 9

The Data Transfer Protocol

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Network Working Group                                      Abhay Bhushan
Request for Comments: 171                                            MIT
NIC 6793                                                      Bob Braden
Categories: D.4, D.5, and D.7                                       UCLA
Updates: 114                                               Will Crowther
Obsolete: None                                             Alex McKenzie
                                                            Eric Harslem
                                                            John Heafner
                                                             John Melvin
                                                             Dick Watson
                                                            Bob Sundberg
                                                               Jim White
                                                            23 June 1971

                       THE DATA TRANSFER PROTOCOL


   A common protocol is desirable for data transfer in such diverse
   applications as remote job entry, file transfer, network mail system,
   graphics, remote program execution, and communication with block data
   terminals (such as printers, card, paper tape, and magnetic tape
   equipment, especially in context of terminal IMPs).  Although it
   would be possible to include some or even all of the above
   applications in an all-inclusive file transfer protocol, a separation
   between data transfer and application functions would provide
   flexibility in implementation, and reduce complexity.  Separating the
   data transfer function would also reduce proliferation of programs
   and protocols.

   We have therefore defined a low-level data transfer protocol (DTP) to
   be used for transfer of data in file transfer, remote job entry, and
   other applications protocols.  This paper concerns itself solely with
   the data transfer protocol.  A companion paper (RFC 172) describes
   file transfer protocol.


   The data transfer protocol (DTP) serves three basic functions.  It
   provides for convenient separation of NCP messages into "logical"
   blocks (transactions, units, records, groups, and files), it allows
   for the separation of data and control information, and it includes
   some error control mechanisms.

Bhushan, et al.