RFC 1730 (rfc1730) - Page 1 of 73

Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         M. Crispin
Request for Comments: 1730                      University of Washington
Category: Standards Track                                  December 1994


Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   The Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4 (IMAP4) allows a
   client to access and manipulate electronic mail messages on a server.
   IMAP4 permits manipulation of remote message folders, called
   "mailboxes", in a way that is functionally equivalent to local
   mailboxes.  IMAP4 also provides the capability for an offline client
   to resynchronize with the server (see also [IMAP-DISC]).

   IMAP4 includes operations for creating, deleting, and renaming
   mailboxes; checking for new messages; permanently removing messages;
   setting and clearing flags; RFC 822 and MIME parsing; searching; and
   selective fetching of message attributes, texts, and portions
   thereof.  Messages in IMAP4 are accessed by the use of numbers.
   These numbers are either message sequence numbers (relative position
   from 1 to the number of messages in the mailbox) or unique
   identifiers (immutable, strictly ascending values assigned to each
   message, but which are not necessarily contiguous).

   IMAP4 supports a single server.  A mechanism for supporting multiple
   IMAP4 servers is discussed in [IMSP].

   IMAP4 does not specify a means of posting mail; this function is
   handled by a mail transfer protocol such as [SMTP].

   IMAP4 is designed to be upwards compatible from the [IMAP2] protocol.
   Compatibility issues are discussed in [IMAP-COMPAT].

Crispin                                                         [Page i]

RFC 1730                         IMAP4                     December 1994

Table of Contents

IMAP4 Protocol Specification ......................................    1
1.      Organization of this Document .............................    1
1.1.    How to Read This Document .................................    1
1.2.    Conventions Used in this Document .........................    1
2.      Protocol Overview .........................................    1
2.1.    Link Level ................................................    1
2.2.    Commands and Responses ....................................    1
2.2.1.  Client Protocol Sender and Server Protocol Receiver .......    2
2.2.2.  Server Protocol Sender and Client Protocol Receiver .......    2
3.      State and Flow Diagram ....................................    4
3.1.    Non-Authenticated State ...................................    4
3.2.    Authenticated State .......................................    4
3.3.    Selected State ............................................    4
3.4.    Logout State ..............................................    4
4.      Data Formats ..............................................    6
4.1.    Atom ......................................................    6
4.2.    Number ....................................................    6
4.3.    String ....................................................    6
4.3.1.  8-bit and Binary Strings ..................................    7
4.4.    Parenthesized List ........................................    7
4.5.    NIL .......................................................    7
5.      Operational Considerations ................................    8
5.1.    Mailbox Naming ............................................    8
5.2.    Mailbox Size and Message Status Updates ...................    8
5.3.    Response when no Command in Progress ......................    8
5.4.    Autologout Timer ..........................................    9
5.5.    Multiple Commands in Progress .............................    9
6.      Client Commands ...........................................   10
6.1.    Client Commands - Any State ...............................   10
6.1.1.  CAPABILITY Command ........................................   10
6.1.2.  NOOP Command ..............................................   11
6.1.3.  LOGOUT Command ............................................   11
6.2.    Client Commands - Non-Authenticated State .................   12
6.2.1.  AUTHENTICATE Command ......................................   12
6.2.2.  LOGIN Command .............................................   14
6.3.    Client Commands - Authenticated State .....................   14
6.3.1.  SELECT Command ............................................   15
6.3.2.  EXAMINE Command ...........................................   16
6.3.3.  CREATE Command ............................................   17
6.3.4.  DELETE Command ............................................   18
6.3.5.  RENAME Command ............................................   18

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RFC 1730                         IMAP4                     December 1994

6.3.6.  SUBSCRIBE Command .........................................   19
6.3.7.  UNSUBSCRIBE Command .......................................   19
6.3.8.  LIST Command ..............................................   20
6.3.9.  LSUB Command ..............................................   22
6.3.10. APPEND Command ............................................   22
6.4.    Client Commands - Selected State ..........................   23
6.4.1.  CHECK Command .............................................   23
6.4.2.  CLOSE Command .............................................   24
6.4.3.  EXPUNGE Command ...........................................   25
6.4.4.  SEARCH Command ............................................   25
6.4.5.  FETCH Command .............................................   29
6.4.6.  PARTIAL Command ...........................................   32
6.4.7.  STORE Command .............................................   33
6.4.8.  COPY Command ..............................................   34
6.4.9.  UID Command ...............................................   35
6.5.    Client Commands - Experimental/Expansion ..................   37
6.5.1.  X Command ...........................................   37
7.      Server Responses ..........................................   38
7.1.    Server Responses - Status Responses .......................   39
7.1.1.  OK Response ...............................................   40
7.1.2.  NO Response ...............................................   40
7.1.3.  BAD Response ..............................................   41
7.1.4.  PREAUTH Response ..........................................   41
7.1.5.  BYE Response ..............................................   41
7.2.    Server Responses - Server and Mailbox Status ..............   42
7.2.1.  CAPABILITY Response .......................................   42
7.2.2.  LIST Response .............................................   43
7.2.3.  LSUB Response .............................................   44
7.2.4.  SEARCH Response ...........................................   44
7.2.5.  FLAGS Response ............................................   44
7.3.    Server Responses - Message Status .........................   45
7.3.1.  EXISTS Response ...........................................   45
7.3.2.  RECENT Response ...........................................   45
7.3.3.  EXPUNGE Response ..........................................   45
7.3.4.  FETCH Response ............................................   46
7.3.5.  Obsolete Responses ........................................   51
7.4.    Server Responses - Command Continuation Request ...........   51
8.      Sample IMAP4 session ......................................   52
9.      Formal Syntax .............................................   53
10.     Author's Note .............................................   64
11.     Security Considerations ...................................   64
12.     Author's Address ..........................................   64
Appendices ........................................................   65
A.      Obsolete Commands .........................................   65
A.6.3.OBS.1.    FIND ALL.MAILBOXES Command ........................   65
A.6.3.OBS.2.    FIND MAILBOXES Command ............................   65
A.6.3.OBS.3.    SUBSCRIBE MAILBOX Command .........................   66
A.6.3.OBS.4.    UNSUBSCRIBE MAILBOX Command .......................   66

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RFC 1730                         IMAP4                     December 1994

B.      Obsolete Responses ........................................   68
B.7.2.OBS.1.    MAILBOX Response ..................................   68
B.7.3.OBS.1.    COPY Response .....................................   68
B.7.3.OBS.2.    STORE Response ....................................   69
C.      References ................................................   70
E.      IMAP4 Keyword Index .......................................   71

Crispin                                                        [Page iv]

RFC 1730                         IMAP4                     December 1994

IMAP4 Protocol Specification

1.      Organization of this Document

1.1.    How to Read This Document

   This document is written from the point of view of the implementor of
   an IMAP4 client or server.  Beyond the protocol overview in section
   2, it is not optimized for someone trying to understand the operation
   of the protocol.  The material in sections 3 through 5 provides the
   general context and definitions with which IMAP4 operates.

   Sections 6, 7, and 9 describe the IMAP commands, responses, and
   syntax, respectively.  The relationships among these are such that it
   is almost impossible to understand any of them separately.  In
   particular, one should not attempt to deduce command syntax from the
   command section alone; one should instead refer to the formal syntax

1.2.    Conventions Used in this Document

   In examples, "C:" and "S:" indicate lines sent by the client and
   server respectively.

2.      Protocol Overview

2.1.    Link Level

   The IMAP4 protocol assumes a reliable data stream such as provided by
   TCP.  When TCP is used, an IMAP4 server listens on port 143.

2.2.    Commands and Responses

   An IMAP4 session consists of the establishment of a client/server
   connection, an initial greeting from the server, and client/server
   interactions.  These client/server interactions consist of a client
   command, server data, and a server completion result response.

   All interactions transmitted by client and server are in the form of
   lines; that is, strings that end with a CRLF.  The protocol receiver
   of an IMAP4 client or server is either reading a line, or is reading
   a sequence of octets with a known count followed by a line.
