RFC 1732 (rfc1732) - Page 1 of 5

IMAP4 Compatibility with IMAP2 and IMAP2bis

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         M. Crispin
Request for Comments: 1732                      University of Washington
Category: Informational                                    December 1994


Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This is a summary of hints and recommendations to enable an IMAP4
   implementation to interoperate with implementations that conform to
   earlier specifications.  None of these hints and recommendations are
   required by the IMAP4 specification; implementors must decide for
   themselves whether they want their implementation to fail if it
   encounters old software.

   IMAP4 has been designed to be upwards compatible with earlier
   specifications.  For the most part, IMAP4 facilities that were not in
   earlier specifications should be invisible to clients unless the
   client asks for the facility.

   In some cases, older servers may support some of the capabilities
   listed as being "new in IMAP4" as experimental extensions to the
   IMAP2 protocol described in RFC 1176.

   This information may not be complete; it reflects current knowledge
   of server and client implementations as well as "folklore" acquired
   in the evolution of the protocol.
