RFC 1820 (rfc1820) - Page 1 of 8

Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          E. Huizer
Request for Comments: 1820                                    SURFnet bv
Category: Informational                                      August 1995

             Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This document presents a checklist to facilitate evaluation of MIME
   capable User Agents. Access to a MIME test-responder, that generates
   test-messages is described.


   This document presents a checklist that facilitates evaluation of
   MIME capable E-mail User Agents. It is by no means a conformance or
   interoperability (both strictly defined and measurable quantities)
   checklist, but rather an interworking (practical perspective)
   checklist that is aimed at the users and system managers.

Usage and submission

   If you use this checklist against a specific product (regardless of
   whether you're a vendor, implementor or user) you can submit the
   result to  and this information will be
   made available (at no cost) through WWW (to be announced) for other
   people to browse through.

   Although SURFnet will attempt to verify the correctness of each
   submission, all submitted, information is made available as is, with
   no guarantees (SURFnet does not take any responsibility for errors in
   the data that is made available, or for any damages resulting from
   usage of that data). Users who want to procure a UA are advised to
   use the data as an orientation, and to perform their own procurement
   tests (possibly using the checklist below as a guideline). Also it is
   noted that vendors and implementors are encouraged to use the results
   from the checklist to improve their products.

Huizer                       Informational