RFC 200 (rfc200) - Page 1 of 7

RFC list by number

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Request for Comments: 200                                 August 1, 1971
NIC: 7152                                               (Author unknown)

                           RFC List by Number

1st Author  Title                          Date              NIC   RFC

Crocker     HOST Software                  7 April 1969      4687   1
Duvall      HOST Software                  9 April 1969      4688   2
Crocker     Documentation Conventions      9 April 1969      4689   3
Shapiro     Network Timetable              24 March 1969     4690   4
Rulifson    DEL                            2 June 1969       4691   5
Crocker     Conversation with Bob Kahn     10 April 1969     4692   6
Deloche     HOST-IMP Interface             May 1969          4693   7
Deloche     ARPA Network Functional        5 May 1969        4694   8
Deloche     HOST Software                  1 May 1969        4695   9
Crocker     Documentation Conventions      29 July 1969      4696   10
Deloche     Implementation of the          1 August 1969     4718   11
            HOST-HOST Software Procedures
            in GORDO
Wingfield   IMP-HOST Interface Flow        26 August 1969    4697   12
Cerf        Referring to NWG/RFC: 11       20 August 1969    4698   13
            (no RFC by this number ever issued)                     14
Carr        Network Subsystem for          25 September 1969 4754   15
            Time-Sharing HOSTS
Crocker     M.I.T. (address)               27 August 1969    4719   16
Kreznar     Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP    27 August 1969    4699   17
Cerf        (use of links 1 and 2)         September 1969    4720   18
Kreznar     Two Protocol Suggestions to    7 October 1969    4721   19
            Reduce Congestion at
            Swap-Bound Nodes
Cerf        ASCII Format for Network       16 October 1969   4722   20
Cerf        (report of Network meeting)    17 October 1969   4723   21
Cerf        HOST-HOST Control Message      17 October 1969   4724   22
Gregg       Transmission of Multiple       16 October 1969   4725   23
            Control Messages
Crocker     Documentation Conventions      21 November 1969  4726   24
Crocker     No High Link Numbers           30 October 1969   4727   25
                   (no RFC by this number ever issued)              26
Crocker     Documentation Conventions      9 December 1969   4729   27
English     Time Standards                 13 January 1970   4730   28
Kahn        Note in Response to Bill       19 January 1970   4731   29
            English's Request for Comments