RFC 2076 (rfc2076) - Page 1 of 27

Common Internet Message Headers

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          J. Palme
Request for Comments: 2076                     Stockholm University/KTH
Category: Informational                                   February 1997

                    Common Internet Message Headers

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This memo contains a table of commonly occurring headers in headings
   of e-mail messages. The document compiles information from other RFCs
   such as RFC 822, RFC 1036, RFC 1123, RFC 1327, RFC 1496, RFC 1521,
   RFC 1766, RFC 1806, RFC 1864 and RFC 1911. A few commonly occurring
   headers which are not defined in RFCs are also included. For each
   header, the memo gives a short description and a reference to the RFC
   in which the header is defined.

Table of contents
   1. Introduction..............................................  2
   2. Use of gatewaying headers.................................  3
   3. Table of headers..........................................  3
        3.1 Phrases used in the tables..........................  3
        3.2 Trace information...................................  5
        3.3 Format and control information......................  5
        3.4 Sender and recipient indication.....................  6
        3.5 Response control....................................  9
        3.6 Message identification and referral headers......... 11
        3.7 Other textual headers............................... 12
        3.8 Headers containing dates and times.................. 13
        3.9 Quality information................................. 13
        3.10 Language information............................... 14
        3.11 Size information................................... 14
        3.12 Conversion control................................. 15
        3.13 Encoding information............................... 15
        3.14 Resent-headers..................................... 16
        3.15 Security and reliability........................... 16
        3.16 Miscellaneous...................................... 16
   4. Acknowledgments........................................... 18

Palme                        Informational