RFC 2139 (rfc2139) - Page 1 of 25

RADIUS Accounting

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          C. Rigney
Request for Comments: 2139                                    Livingston
Obsoletes: 2059                                               April 1997
Category: Informational

                           RADIUS Accounting

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This document describes a protocol for carrying accounting
   information between a Network Access Server and a shared Accounting

Implementation Note

   This memo documents the RADIUS Accounting protocol.  There has been
   some confusion in the assignment of port numbers for this protocol.
   The early deployment of RADIUS Accounting was done using the
   erroneously chosen port number 1646, which conflicts with the "sa-
   msg-port" service.  The officially assigned port number for RADIUS
   Accounting is 1813.

Table of Contents

   1.     Introduction ..........................................    2
      1.1       Specification of Requirements ...................    3
      1.2       Terminology .....................................    3
   2.     Operation .............................................    4
   3.     Packet Format .........................................    5
   4.     Packet Types ..........................................    7
      4.1       Accounting-Request ..............................    7
      4.2       Accounting-Response .............................    8
   5.     Attributes ............................................   10
      5.1       Acct-Status-Type ................................   11
      5.2       Acct-Delay-Time .................................   12
      5.3       Acct-Input-Octets ...............................   13
      5.4       Acct-Output-Octets ..............................   14
      5.5       Acct-Session-Id .................................   14
      5.6       Acct-Authentic ..................................   15
      5.7       Acct-Session-Time ...............................   16
      5.8       Acct-Input-Packets ..............................   16

Rigney                       Informational