RFC 2150 (rfc2150) - Page 1 of 62

Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                             J. Max
Request for Comments: 2150                                    W. Stickle
FYI: 31                                                         Rainfarm
Category: Informational                                     October 1997

       Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.


   This document is designed primarily for individuals who have limited
   knowledge of, or experience with, the Internet.

   The purpose of this document is to provide members of the Arts and
   Humanities communities with an introduction to the Internet as a
   valuable tool, resource, and medium for the creation, presentation,
   and preservation of Arts and Humanities-based content.

   The intended audience is practicing artists, scholars, related
   professionals, and others whose knowledge, expertise and support is
   important to ensuring that the Arts and Humanities are well-placed in
   the global information infrastructure.

Table of Contents

   1.    Introduction...............................................   3
   1.1    Definition of Arts and Humanities.........................   3
   2.    What does the Internet mean to the "Artist?"...............   4
   2.1    Access to the Global Community............................   5
   2.2    Sharing Your Work and Collaborating with Others...........   6
   2.3    Freely Available Software, and Other Information..........   8

   3.    What is the Internet?......................................   8
   3.1    What is the World Wide Web?...............................   9

   4.    How does the Internet Work?................................  10
   4.1    Internet Addresses........................................  11
   4.1.1   Computer Addresses and Hostnames.........................  12
   4.1.2   Addresses of People on the Internet......................  12
   4.1.3   Information Addresses, Locators, URLs....................  13
   4.2    How Does the World Wide Web Work?.........................  14

Max & Stickle                Informational