RFC 2171 (rfc2171) - Page 2 of 9

MAPOS - Multiple Access Protocol over SONET/SDH Version 1

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RFC 2171                         MAPOS                         June 1997

1.2 Possible Configurations

   The MAPOS protocol provides multiple access, broadcast / multicast-
   capable switched LAN environment using SONET/SDH lines as
   transmission media.  Possible configurations of MAPOS system are
   shown in the following diagrams.  In (a), two end nodes are connected
   to each other.  Figure (b) shows a star-topology "SONET-LAN" where
   multiple end nodes are connected to an HDLC frame switch. The frame
   switch forwards packets between nodes and provides multiple access
   capability. In (c), multiple frame switches are linked together,
   creating a switching cluster.

           +------+                                +------+
           | Node +--------------------------------+ Node |
           +------+                                +------+

                    (a) Point-to-Point configuration

Murakami & Maruyama          Informational