RFC 229 (rfc229) - Page 1 of 3

Standard host names

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Network Working Group                                         Jon Postel
Request for Comments: #229                                    UCLA-NMC
NIC 7646                                                      Computer Science
Categories: D.3                                               22 September 71
Related: #226
Obsoletes: None

                          STANDARD HOST NAMES

I suggest 8 character names and the following list:

          Site                  Standard Name              Alternate Name
          ----                  -------------              --------------
            1                     UCLA-NMC                     SEX

            65                    UCLA-CCN                     CCN

            2                     SRI-ARC                      NIC

            66                    SRI-AI

            3                     UCSB

            4                     UTAH

            5                     BBN-NCC                      NCC

            69                    BBN-A                        BBN

            133                   BBN-B

            6                     MIT-MLTX                     MULTICS

            70                    MIT-DMCG                     DMCG

            7                     RAND-65

            71                    RAND-10

            8                     SDC

            9                     HARV

            73                    HARV-1

            137                   HARV-11