RFC 2503 (rfc2503) - Page 1 of 6

MIME Types for Use with the ISO ILL Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                     R. Moulton
Request for Comments: 2503                            United Kingdom
Category: Informational                                 M. Needleman
                                       Data Research Associates, Inc
                                                       February 1999

              MIME Types for Use with the ISO ILL Protocol

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memorandum describes a set of MIME types for use with the ISO
   Interlibrary Loan Protocol (ISO 10160/10161). Two MIME types are
   specified below.

   The first is a media type to carry objects which are  BER [BER]
   encoded ISO ILL Protocol Data Units (PDU's). BER are the basic
   Encoding Rules used to encode  PDU's which have been described using
   ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) [ASN.1] .

   The second is for use with the associated document delivery
   instructions.  Document Delivery Instructions (DDI) is an emerging
   protocol which enables automatic electronic delivery of items. It
   allows a request management system (which might have received a
   request for an item via the ISO Interlibrary Loan Protocol (ISO
   10160/10161))  to pass details of the request, item, and delivery, to
   a delivery module, and to receive back reports on the delivery
   process or arrival of an item. It is currently being submitted to the
   ISO TC46/SC4/WG4 committee for approval as an ISO standard.

Registration Information

   Media type name: application
   Media subtype name:  iso-10161-ill-1 - for BER encoded ISO ILL APDU's

   Media type name:  application
   Media subtype name:  ill-ddi - For associated Document Delivery

Moulton & Needleman          Informational