RFC 2522 (rfc2522) - Page 1 of 76

Photuris: Session-Key Management Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            P. Karn
Request for Comments: 2522                                      Qualcomm
Category: Experimental                                        W. Simpson
                                                              March 1999

               Photuris: Session-Key Management Protocol

Status of this Memo

   This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
   Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  Copyright (C) Philip Karn
   and William Allen Simpson (1994-1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   Photuris is a session-key management protocol intended for use with
   the IP Security Protocols (AH and ESP).  This document defines the
   basic protocol mechanisms.

Karn & Simpson                Experimental                      [Page i]

RFC 2522                   Photuris Protocol                  March 1999

Table of Contents

     1.     Introduction ..........................................    1
        1.1       Terminology .....................................    1
        1.2       Protocol Overview ...............................    3
        1.3       Security Parameters .............................    5
        1.4       LifeTimes .......................................    6
           1.4.1  Exchange LifeTimes ..............................    6
           1.4.2  SPI LifeTimes ...................................    7
        1.5       Random Number Generation ........................    8

     2.     Protocol Details ......................................    9
        2.1       UDP .............................................    9
        2.2       Header Format ...................................   10
        2.3       Variable Precision Integers .....................   11
        2.4       Exchange-Schemes ................................   13
        2.5       Attributes ......................................   13

     3.     Cookie Exchange .......................................   14
           3.0.1  Send Cookie_Request .............................   14
           3.0.2  Receive Cookie_Request ..........................   15
           3.0.3  Send Cookie_Response ............................   15
           3.0.4  Receive Cookie_Response .........................   16
        3.1       Cookie_Request ..................................   17
        3.2       Cookie_Response .................................   18
        3.3       Cookie Generation ...............................   19
           3.3.1  Initiator Cookie ................................   19
           3.3.2  Responder Cookie ................................   20

     4.     Value Exchange ........................................   21
           4.0.1  Send Value_Request ..............................   21
           4.0.2  Receive Value_Request ...........................   22
           4.0.3  Send Value_Response .............................   22
           4.0.4  Receive Value_Response ..........................   23
        4.1       Value_Request ...................................   24
        4.2       Value_Response ..................................   25
        4.3       Offered Attribute List ..........................   26

     5.     Identification Exchange ...............................   28
           5.0.1  Send Identity_Request ...........................   29
           5.0.2  Receive Identity_Request ........................   29
           5.0.3  Send Identity_Response ..........................   30
           5.0.4  Receive Identity_Response .......................   30
        5.1       Identity_Messages ...............................   31
        5.2       Attribute Choices List ..........................   33
        5.3       Shared-Secret ...................................   34
        5.4       Identity Verification ...........................   34

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        5.5       Privacy-Key Computation .........................   36
        5.6       Session-Key Computation .........................   37

     6.     SPI Messages ..........................................   38
           6.0.1  Send SPI_Needed .................................   38
           6.0.2  Receive SPI_Needed ..............................   39
           6.0.3  Send SPI_Update .................................   39
           6.0.4  Receive SPI_Update ..............................   39
           6.0.5  Automated SPI_Updates ...........................   40
        6.1       SPI_Needed ......................................   41
        6.2       SPI_Update ......................................   43
           6.2.1  Creation ........................................   44
           6.2.2  Deletion ........................................   45
           6.2.3  Modification ....................................   45
        6.3       Validity Verification ...........................   45

     7.     Error Messages ........................................   46
        7.1       Bad_Cookie ......................................   47
        7.2       Resource_Limit ..................................   47
        7.3       Verification_Failure ............................   48
        7.4       Message_Reject ..................................   49

     8.     Public Value Exchanges ................................   50
        8.1       Modular Exponentiation Groups ...................   50
        8.2       Moduli Selection ................................   50
           8.2.1  Bootstrap Moduli ................................   51
           8.2.2  Learning Moduli .................................   51
        8.3       Generator Selection .............................   51
        8.4       Exponent Selection ..............................   52
        8.5       Defective Exchange Values .......................   53

     9.     Basic Exchange-Schemes ................................   54

     10.    Basic Key-Generation-Function .........................   55
        10.1      MD5 Hash ........................................   55

     11.    Basic Privacy-Method ..................................   55
        11.1      Simple Masking ..................................   55

     12.    Basic Validity-Method .................................   55
        12.1      MD5-IPMAC Check .................................   55

     13.    Basic Attributes ......................................   56
        13.1      Padding .........................................   56
        13.2      AH-Attributes ...................................   57
        13.3      ESP-Attributes ..................................   57
        13.4      MD5-IPMAC .......................................   58
           13.4.1 Symmetric Identification ........................   58

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           13.4.2 Authentication ..................................   59
        13.5      Organizational ..................................   60

     APPENDICES ...................................................   61

     A.     Automaton .............................................   61
        A.1       State Transition Table ..........................   62
        A.2       States ..........................................   65
           A.2.1  Initial .........................................   65
           A.2.2  Cookie ..........................................   66
           A.2.3  Value ...........................................   66
           A.2.4  Identity ........................................   66
           A.2.5  Ready ...........................................   66
           A.2.6  Update ..........................................   66

     B.     Use of Identification and Secrets .....................   67
        B.1       Identification ..................................   67
        B.2       Group Identity With Group Secret ................   67
        B.3       Multiple Identities With Group Secrets ..........   68
        B.4       Multiple Identities With Multiple Secrets .......   69

     OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................   70

     SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ......................................   70

     HISTORY ......................................................   71

     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................   72

     REFERENCES ...................................................   73

     CONTACTS .....................................................   75

     COPYRIGHT ....................................................   76

Karn & Simpson                Experimental                     [Page iv]

RFC 2522                   Photuris Protocol                  March 1999

1.  Introduction

   Photuris [Firefly] establishes short-lived session-keys between two
   parties, without passing the session-keys across the Internet.  These
   session-keys directly replace the long-lived secret-keys (such as
   passwords and passphrases) that have been historically configured for
   security purposes.

   The basic Photuris protocol utilizes these existing previously
   configured secret-keys for identification of the parties.  This is
   intended to speed deployment and reduce administrative configuration

   This document is primarily intended for implementing the Photuris
   protocol.  It does not detail service and application interface
   definitions, although it does mention some basic policy areas
   required for the proper implementation and operation of the protocol

   Since the basic Photuris protocol is extensible, new data types and
   protocol behaviour should be expected.  The implementor is especially
   cautioned not to depend on values that appear in examples to be
   current or complete, since their purpose is primarily pedagogical.

1.1.  Terminology

   In this document, the key words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional",
   "recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as
   described in [RFC-2119].

   byte             An 8-bit quantity; also known as "octet" in

   exchange-value   The publically distributable value used to calculate
                    a shared-secret.  As used in this document, refers
                    to a Diffie-Hellman exchange, not the public part of
                    a public/private key-pair.

   private-key      A value that is kept secret, and is part of an
                    asymmetric public/private key-pair.

   public-key       A publically distributable value that is part of an
                    asymmetric public/private key-pair.

   secret-key       A symmetric key that is not publically
                    distributable.  As used in this document, this is
                    distinguished from an asymmetric public/private

Karn & Simpson                Experimental