RFC 2664 (rfc2664) - Page 1 of 11

FYI on Questions and Answers - Answers to Commonly Asked "New Internet User" Questions

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                            R. Plzak
Request for Comments: 2664                                           SAIC
FYI: 4                                                           A. Wells
Obsoletes: 1594                                                 UWisc-Mad
Category: Informational                                           E. Krol
                                                                  Univ IL
                                                              August 1999

                      FYI on Questions and Answers
        Answers to Commonly Asked "New Internet User" Questions

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo provides an overview to the new Internet User.  The
   intended audience is the common Internet user of today, thus it
   attempts to provide a more consumer oriented approach to the Internet
   rather than going into any depth about a topic.  Unlike its
   predecessors, this edition seeks to answer the general questions that
   an unsophisticated consumer would ask as opposed to the more pointed
   questions of a more technically sophisticated Internet user.  Those
   desiring a more in-depth discussion are directed to FYI 7 that deals
   with intermediate and advanced Q/A topics.  A conscious effort has
   been made to keep this memo brief but at the same time provide the
   new user with enough information to generally understand the

1. Acknowledgements

   The following people deserve thanks for their help and contributions
   to this FYI Q/A:  Chris Burke (Motorola), John Curran (BBN Planet),
   Albert Lunde (NWU), and April Marine (Internet Engines, Inc.).  Last,
   but not least, thanks are extended to Patricia Harper and Charlotte
   Nurge.  These ladies from South Riding, Virginia, consumer tested
   this document.

Plzak, et al.                Informational