RFC 2824 (rfc2824) - Page 1 of 25

Call Processing Language Framework and Requirements

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          J. Lennox
Request for Comments: 2824                                H. Schulzrinne
Category: Informational                              Columbia University
                                                                May 2000

          Call Processing Language Framework and Requirements

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000).  All Rights Reserved.


   A large number of the services we wish to make possible for Internet
   telephony require fairly elaborate combinations of signalling
   operations, often in network devices, to complete. We want a simple
   and standardized way to create such services to make them easier to
   implement and deploy.  This document describes an architectural
   framework for such a mechanism, which we call a call processing
   language. It also outlines requirements for such a language.

Table of Contents

   1        Introduction ........................................    2
   2        Terminology .........................................    3
   3        Example services ....................................    4
   4        Usage scenarios .....................................    6
   5        CPL creation ........................................    6
   6        Network model .......................................    7
   6.1      Model components ....................................    7
   6.1.1    End systems .........................................    7
   6.1.2    Signalling servers ..................................    8
   6.2      Component interactions ..............................    8
   7        Interaction of CPL with network model ...............   10
   7.1      What a script does ..................................   10
   7.2      Which script is executed ............................   11
   7.3      Where a script runs .................................   12
   8        Creation and transport of a call processing
            language script .....................................   12
   9        Feature interaction behavior ........................   13
   9.1      Feature-to-feature interactions .....................   13

Lennox & Schulzrinne         Informational