RFC 2989 (rfc2989) - Page 1 of 28

Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network Access

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                 B. Aboba, Microsoft
Request for Comments: 2989   P. Calhoun, S. Glass, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Category: Informational T. Hiller, P. McCann, H. Shiino, P. Walsh, Lucent
                                 G. Zorn, G. Dommety, Cisco Systems, Inc.
                           C. Perkins, B. Patil, Nokia Telecommunications
                                   D. Mitton, S. Manning, Nortel Networks
                                              M. Beadles, SmartPipes Inc.
                                                         X. Chen, Alcatel
                         S. Sivalingham, Ericsson Wireless Communications
                                                       A. Hameed, Fujitsu
                                                  M. Munson, GTE Wireless
                                              S. Jacobs, GTE Laboratories
                            B. Lim, LG Information & Communications, Ltd.
                                                   B. Hirschman, Motorola
                                                   R. Hsu, Qualcomm, Inc.
                         H. Koo, Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc.
                                                   M. Lipford, Sprint PCS
                                            E. Campbell, 3Com Corporation
                                                Y. Xu, Watercove Networks
                                  S. Baba, Toshiba America Research, Inc.
                                            E. Jaques, Vodaphone Airtouch
                                                            November 2000

        Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network Access

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000).  All Rights Reserved.


   This document represents a summary of Authentication, Authorization,
   Accounting (AAA) protocol requirements for network access.  In
   creating this document, inputs were taken from documents produced by
   the Network Access Server Requirements Next Generation (NASREQ),
   Roaming Operations (ROAMOPS), and MOBILEIP working groups, as well as
   from TIA 45.6.

Aboba, et al.                Informational