RFC 3094 (rfc3094) - Page 1 of 106

Tekelec's Transport Adapter Layer Interface

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         D. Sprague
Request for Comments: 3094                                    R. Benedyk
Category: Informational                                       D. Brendes
                                                               J. Keller
                                                              April 2001

              Tekelec's Transport Adapter Layer Interface

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.

IESG Note:

   Readers should note that this memo presents a vendor's alternative to
   standards track technology being developed by the IETF SIGTRAN
   Working Group.  The technology presented in this memo has not been
   reviewed by the IETF for its technical soundness or completeness.
   Potential users of this type of technology are urged to examine the
   SIGTRAN work before deciding to use the technology described here.


   This document proposes the interfaces of a Signaling Gateway, which
   provides interworking between the Switched Circuit Network (SCN) and
   an IP network.  Since the Gateway is the central point of signaling
   information, not only does it provide transportation of signaling
   from one network to another, but it can also provide additional
   functions such as protocol translation, security screening, routing
   information, and seamless access to Intelligent Network (IN) services
   on both networks.

   The Transport Adapter Layer Interface (TALI) is the proposed
   interface, which provides TCAP (Transaction Capability Application
   Part), ISUP (ISDN User Part), and MTP (Mail Transport Protocol)
   messaging over TCP/IP.  In addition, TALI provides SCCP (Signalling
   Connection Control Part) Management (SCMG), MTP Primitives, dynamic
   registration of circuits, and routing of call control messages based
   on circuit location.

Sprague, et al.              Informational