RFC 3132 (rfc3132) - Page 1 of 14

Dormant Mode Host Alerting ("IP Paging") Problem Statement

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                           J. Kempf
Request for Comments: 3132                              Sun Microsystems
Category: Informational                                        June 2001

       Dormant Mode Host Alerting ("IP Paging") Problem Statement

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo describes paging, assesses the need for IP paging, and
   presents a list of recommendations for Seamoby charter items
   regarding work on paging.  The results are specifically directed
   toward the task undertaken by the design team, and are not meant to
   be the definitive word on paging for all time, nor to be binding on
   Seamoby or other working groups, should the situation with regard to
   IP mobility protocols or radio link support undergo a major change.

1.0 Introduction

   The IESG has requested that the Seamoby Working Group develop a
   problem statement about the need for additional protocol work to
   support alerting of dormant mode mobile hosts, commonly known as IP
   paging, for seamless IP mobility.  The paging design team interpreted
   this as direction to examine whether location of a mobile node in
   power saving mode can be supported by the existing Mobile IPv4 and
   Mobile IPv6 protocols given existing radio link protocols.

   Many existing radio link protocols and mobile systems support
   location of and radio link establishment with mobile nodes that are
   in power saving mode and hence are not actively listening for
   delivery of IP packets all the time or are not listening on the radio
   channels normally associated with delivering IP traffic to mobile
   nodes.  This alerting functionality allows mobile nodes to reduce
   power consumption and decreases signaling load on the network for
   tracking mobiles that are not actively participating in IP packet
   generation or reception.

Kempf                        Informational