RFC 33 (rfc33) - Page 1 of 19

New Host-Host Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                         S. Crocker
Request for Comments: 33                                            UCLA
                                                                 S. Carr
                                                      University of Utah
                                                                 V. Cerf
                                                        12 February 1973

                         New HOST-HOST Protocol

   Attached is a copy of the paper to be presented at the SJCC on the
   HOST-HOST Protocol.  It indicates many changes from the old protocol
   in NWG/RFC 11; these changes resulted from the network meeting on
   December 8, 1969.  The attached document does not contain enough
   information to write a NCP, and I will send out another memo or so
   shortly.  Responses to this memo are solicited, either as NWG/RFC's
   or personal notes to me.

                     HOST-HOST Communication Protocol
                           in the ARPA Network*

   by C. Stephen Carr
   University of Utah
   Salt Lake City, Utah


   by Stephen D. Crocker
   University of California
   Los Angeles, California


   by Vinton G. Cerf
   University of California
   Los Angeles, California

   *This research was sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects
   Agency, Department of Defense, under contracts AF30(602)-4277 and


   The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Computer Network
   (hereafter referred to as the "ARPA network") is one of the most
   ambitious computer networks attempted to date.  [1]  The types of

Crocker, et. al.