RFC 3377 (rfc3377) - Page 2 of 6

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical Specification

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RFC 3377            LDAPv3: Technical Specification       September 2002

2.  Specification of LDAPv3

   The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3) is
   specified by this set of nine RFCs:

      [RFC 2251]  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) [the
                 specification of the LDAP on-the-wire protocol]

      [RFC 2252]  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3):  Attribute
                 Syntax Definitions

      [RFC 2253]  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3):  UTF-8
                 String Representation of Distinguished Names

      [RFC 2254]  The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters

      [RFC 2255]  The LDAP URL Format

      [RFC 2256]  A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with

      [RFC 2829]  Authentication Methods for LDAP

      [RFC 2830]  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3):  Extension
                 for Transport Layer Security

      And, this document (RFC 3377).

   The term "LDAPv3" is often used informally to refer to the protocol
   specified by the above set of RFCs, or subsets thereof.  However, the
   LDAPv3 protocol suite, as defined here, should be formally identified
   in other documents by a normative reference to this document.

3.  Addressing the "IESG Note" in RFCs 2251 through 2256

   The IESG approved publishing RFCs 2251 through 2256 with an attendant
   IESG Note included in each document.  The Note begins with:

      This document describes a directory access protocol that provides
      both read and update access.  Update access requires secure
      authentication, but this document does not mandate implementation
      of any satisfactory authentication mechanisms.

Hodges & Morgan             Standards Track