RFC 39 (rfc39) - Page 1 of 3

Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC #36

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Network Working Group                                         E. Harslem
Request for Comments: 39                                      J. Heafner
                                                           25 March 1970

                  COMMENTS ON PROTOCOL RE: NWG/RFC #36

   We offer the following suggestions to be considered as additions to
   the April 28th 1970 protocol grammar specifications.



   It is desirable to include debugging aids in the initial protocol for
   checking out Network Control Programs, etc.

   There are three classes of errors--content errors, status errors, and
   resource allocation or exhaustion.  specifies the class and the
   offending member of the class.  The command is returned to the
   sending NCP for identification and analysis.

   Examples of status errors are: messages sent over blocked links and
   attempts to unblock an unblocked link.  Examples of content errors
   are: an invalid RFC complete; a message sent on a link not connected;
   closing of an unconnected link; and an attempt to unblock an
   unconnected link.  Examples of resource errors are:  a request for a
   non-existent program and connection table over- flow, etc.  Resource
   errors should be followed by a  in response to the .




   Queries provide an extension to the  facility as well as limited
   error recovery, thus avoiding re-initialization of an NCP.

   The first command requests the remote NCP to supply the status of all
   connections to the user specified by the user number in .
   The second is the reply;  contains the connection status
   information.  If an NCP wants the status of all connections to a
   remote HOST, the  is zero.

Harlsem & Heafner