RFC 391 (rfc391) - Page 1 of 3

Traffic statistics (August 1972)

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Network Working Group                                        A. McKenzie
Request for Comments: 391                              15 September 1972
Updates: 378 NIC: 11583

                    TRAFFIC STATISTICS (August 1972)


   Attached are the network traffic statistics for the month of August



                INTER-    INTRA-            AVG. DAILY  DAYS
                 NODE      NODE      TOTAL   INTERNODE

USLA    HOST 1   163800    187696    351496
UCLA    HOST 2  1189956    308725   1498681
UCLA    HOST 3   483386      6107    489493
                -------    ------   -------
                1837142    502528   2339670     59263     31

SRI     HOST 1  1708465    120157   1828622
SRI     HOST 2    32837      7006     39843
SRI     HOST 4    83904         0     83904
                -------    ------   -------
                1825206    127163   1952369     58878     31

UCSB    HOST 1   368992    452967    821959     11903     31

UTAH    HOST 1   692757    107679    800436     22347     31

BBN     HOST 2  2909317    777743   3687060
BBN     HOST 3      590         0       590
BBN     HOST 4   168313       587    168900
                -------    ------   -------
                3078220    778330   3856550     99297     31
