RFC 393 (rfc393) - Page 1 of 4

Comments on Telnet Protocol Changes

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 393                         Joel M. Winett
NIC 11585                                         Lincoln Laboratory
Categories: TELNET                                LL-67
References: RFC 109, 139, 158,318, and 328        3 October 1972

                  Comments on TELNET Protocol Changes

    Through this RFC, I am registering my objection to two of the
three suggestions for changing the TELNET protocol as described in RFC
328 and am adding my suggestion for the interpretation of the TELNET
Reverse Break Control Code.

1.  Hide-your-input

    This code was originally put in the TELNET protocol to give the
    virtual terminal the ability to simulate a real terminal which has the
    print suppress capability. If the terminals being used at some
    installations do not have the ability to disable the printing
    mechanism, the TELNET being used can either ignore this code or
    attempt to simulate the function using other means (e. g., blacking
    out a number of character positions and returning to the first
    character position).  Every attempt should be made to allow a network
    user of a time-sharing system to have the same facilities as a local
    user of the time-sharing system. The specification of TELNET protocol
    should not limit the function of users if a function cannot be
    supported by all users.

    The "Hide-your-input" and "Echo" TELNET control codes provide for the
    support of two functions available in some time-sharing systems.  The
    "Hide-your-input" function is really a special case of the "Echo" mode
    of operation where the server tells the user that the server will echo
    but the server does not. A separate code is used for this func- tion
    since some servers may support this function but may not support the
    full "Echo" mode of operation.

   ] This material has not been reviewed for public release and is [
   ] intended only for use with the ARPA network. It should not be [
   ] quoted or cited in any publication not related to the ARPA    [
   ] network.                                                      [