RFC 759 (rfc759) - Page 1 of 71

Internet Message Protocol

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

IEN: 113
RFC: 759
                       INTERNET MESSAGE PROTOCOL
                           Jonathan B. Postel

                              August 1980
                     Information Sciences Institute
                   University of Southern California
                           4676 Admiralty Way
                   Marina del Rey, California  90291

                             (213) 822-1511

August 1980                                                             
                                               Internet Message Protocol

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

    PREFACE ........................................................ iii

1.  INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

  1.1.  Motivation ................................................... 1
  1.2.  Scope ........................................................ 1
  1.3.  The Internetwork Environment ................................. 2
  1.4.  Model of Operation ........................................... 2
  1.5.  Interfaces ................................................... 4

2.  FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................... 5

  2.1.  Terminology .................................................. 5
  2.2.  Assumptions  ................................................. 5
  2.3.  General Specification ........................................ 6
  2.4.  Mechanisms ................................................... 7
  2.5.  Relation to Other Protocols ................................. 10

3.  DETAILED SPECIFICATION .......................................... 13

  3.1.  Overview of Message Structure ............................... 13
  3.2.  Message Structure ........................................... 14
  3.3.  Identification .............................................. 15
  3.4.  Command ..................................................... 15
  3.5.  Document .................................................... 19
  3.6.  Message Objects ............................................. 20
  3.7.  Data Elements ............................................... 27

4.  OTHER ISSUES .................................................... 35

  4.1.  Accounting and Billing ...................................... 35
  4.2.  Addressing and Routing ...................................... 36
  4.3.  Encryption .................................................. 37

5.  The MPM:  A Possible Architecture ............................... 39

  5.1.  Interfaces .................................................. 39
  5.2.  MPM Organization ............................................ 40

6.  EXAMPLES & SCENARIOS ............................................ 45

  Example 1:  Message Format ........................................ 45
  Example 2:  Delivery and Acknowledgment ........................... 47

Postel                                                          [Page i]

                                                             August 1980
Internet Message Protocol
Table Of Contents

7.  SPECIFICATION SUMMARY ........................................... 55

  7.1.  Message Fields .............................................. 55
  7.2.  Deliver Message ............................................. 58
  7.3.  Acknowledge Message ......................................... 59
  7.4.  Probe Message ............................................... 61
  7.5.  Response Message ............................................ 62
  7.6.  Cancel Message .............................................. 64
  7.7.  Canceled Message ............................................ 66
  7.8.  Data Element Summary ........................................ 68

REFERENCES .......................................................... 69


[Page ii]                                                         Postel

August 1980                                                             
                                               Internet Message Protocol


This is the second edition of this specification and should be treated
as a request for comments, advice, and suggestions.  A great deal of
prior work has been done on computer aided message systems and some of
this is listed in the reference section.  This specification was shaped
by many discussions with members of the ARPA research community, and
others interested in the development of computer aided message systems.
This document was prepared as part of the ARPA sponsored Internetwork
Concepts Research Project at ISI, with the assistance of Greg Finn,
Suzanne Sluizer, Alan Katz, Paul Mockapetris, and Linda Sato.

                                                              Jon Postel

Postel                                                        [Page iii]

IEN: 113                                                       J. Postel
RFC: 759                                                         USC-ISI
                                                             August 1980

                       INTERNET MESSAGE PROTOCOL

                            1.  INTRODUCTION

This document describes an internetwork message system.  The system is
designed to transmit messages between message processing modules
according to formats and procedures specified in this document.  The
message processing modules are processes in host computers.  Message
processing modules are located in different networks and together
constitute an internetwork message delivery system.

This document is intended to provide all the information necessary to
implement a compatible cooperating module of this internetwork message
delivery system.

1.1.  Motivation

  As computer supported message processing activities grow on individual
  host computers and in networks of computers, there is a natural desire
  to provide for the interconnection and interworking of such systems.
  This specification describes the formats and procedures of a general
  purpose internetwork message system, which can be used as a standard
  for the interconnection of individual message systems, or as a message
  delivery system in its own right.

  This system also provides for the communication of data items beyond
  the scope of contemporary message systems.  Messages can include data
  objects which could represent drawings, or facsimile images, or
  digitized speech.  One can imagine message stations equipped with
  speakers and microphones (or telephone hand sets) where the body of a
  message or a portion of it is recorded digitized speech.  The output
  terminal could include a graphics display, and the message might
  present a drawing on the display, and verbally (via the speaker)
  describe certain features of the drawing.  This specification provides
  for the composition of complex data objects and their encoding in
  machine independent basic data elements.

1.2.  Scope

  The Internet Message Protocol is intended to be used for the
  transmission of messages between networks.  It may also be used for
  the local message system of a network or host.  This specification was
