RFC 808 (rfc808) - Page 1 of 8

Summary of computer mail services meeting held at BBN on 10 January 1979

Alternative Format: Original Text Document

Network Working Group                                          J. Postel
Request for Comments:  808                                           ISI
                                                            1 March 1982

                     HELD AT BBN ON 10 JANUARY 1979


   This note is a very belated attempt to document a meeting that was
   held three years ago to discuss the state of computer mail in the
   ARPA community and to reach some conclusions to guide the further
   development of computer mail systems such that a coherent total mail
   service would continue to be provided.

   Some important conclusions were reached at this meeting which limited
   the extent to which mail systems were to incorporate new features in
   the context of the existing service and specifications.
   Unfortunately, this meeting and the conclusions were not documented,
   and the specifications were not revised.  This has led to continuing
   problems in the mail service.

   Due to the passage of time these notes are necessarily quite
   incomplete.  It is thought that there were a number of other
   attendees.  I would like to express my appreciation to those who
   helped provide this information, especially Vint Cerf, Jack Haverty,
   Danny Cohen, Bob Thomas, and Debbie Deutsch.

The Meeting Announcement:

   On 10 January 1979 we are holding a meeting at BBN in Cambridge, MA,
   starting at 0930, to discuss Message Service support on the ARPANET.
   The purpose of the meeting is to provide a basis for any
   standardization of efforts which may be necessary.  We will take
   stock of the various message services currently available on the
   ARPANET, discuss problems which have been encountered between
   different message systems, review current protocols and review
   forthcoming developments.  An agenda is given below.  Each of you
   should be prepared to discuss current problems you are aware of and
   any developments which impact future message service.
