RFC 82 (rfc82) - Page 1 of 18

Network Meeting Notes

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Network Working Group                               Edwin W. Meyer, Jr.
Request for Comments #82                                MIT Project MAC
Network Information Center #5619                        December9, 1970

                         Network Meeting Notes

   The following summary was transcribed from notes I took at three
   network meetings held in Houston during the 1970 Fall Joint Computer
   Conference.  Although I have tried to be objective, unavoidably these
   notes present a biased view of the meetings.  This is due in part to
   my preoccupation with certain topics and possible misunderstanding of
   various discussions.  While I have tried to accurately paraphrase the
   statements of the attendees, the import of some may have been

                        Attendees of Monday Meeting

   Dick Benjamin                           MITRE
   Jack Bouknight                          UI-CAC
   Al Cocanower                            MIRUT
   Steve Crocker                           UCLA
   Dough Engelbart                         SRI
   Richard Greenblatt                      MIT-MAC
   Eric Harslem                            RAND
   Frank Heart                             BBN
   Allen Joseph                            ORNL (Oak Ridge)
   Peggy Karp                              MITRE
   William B. Kehl                         UCLA
   Bob Long                                  SDC
   Jim Madden                              UI-CAC
   Bob Metcalfe                            MIT-MAC
   Edwin Meyer                             MIT-MAC
   Ari Ollikainen                          UCLA
   Tom O'Sullivan                          Raytheon
   Jon Postel                              UCLA
   Chris Reeve                             MIT-MAC
   Tjaart Schipper                         UCAL-CCN
   Michael S. Sher                         UI-CAC
   Bob Sundberg                            Harvard
   Hal van Zoeren                          CMU
   Albert Vezza                            MIT-MAC
   Alfred H. Vorhaus                       MITRE
   Clark Weissman                          SDC
