Cheats for Pokemon Gold/Silver (GBC)

Skip credits:
Press Start + Select + A + B while the credits are displayed.

Copy pokemon
First save in front of a pc. Then Log on and change to an empty box. Deposit the pokemon you want to copy (up to five can be copyed at once) And Change your poke mon box When it says "saving do not turn off the power" Switch it off! This works 95% of the time! WARNING! Do not withdraw any pokemon if you do they will be lost!!!! This cheat if done properly will not glitch up your game. I recommend you practice with weak pokemon first! Just to make sure you can do it!
[send by:Graham]

Set time
At the title screen, press Down + Select + B. You will need to enter a password to change the time, based on your Trainer name, Trainer number, and money. The password can be calculated online at The PokeMasters or you can download a Windows 95/98/Me program to do it on your PC.

In-game reset
While playing a game, press Start + Select + A + B to reset the game.

Faster credits display
During the credits, hold B.

Nick Smith avatar

Nick Smith