Carbonnade (belgian beer stew)

Yield: 1 Servings


  • 3 lb Chuck roast

  • 1 Smoked ham hock; (optional)

  • 1/2 c Oil

  • 2 1/2 ts Salt

  • 1 lg Onion; thinly sliced

  • 3 tb Flour Beer

  • 1 c Beef broth

  • 1/2 ts Black pepper

  • 2 ts Sugar

  • 2 tb Parsley flakes

  • 1 pn Marjoram

  • 1 pn Thyme

  • 1 Cl Garlic; chopped fine

  • 4 Carrots; cut into 1" pieces

  • 3/4 c Walnuts; (optional)

  • 2 tb Red wine vinegar; or red win

  • 2 tb Scotch whiskey Recipe by: Ana Kurland Cut beef into 1 x

  • 2 inch strips. (I cube them

  • 1 ") Remove ham from bone and cut into


cubes. brown beef and ham in oil in large skillet. Lift meat out sprinkle with 1 tsp salt and set aside. Brown onions in same oil. Li and set aside. Drain and save all but 3 Tbsp oil. Sift flour into oil to light brown roux. Gradually add 1 1/2 cup beef stirring until mixture boils. Add broth rest of salt pepper sugar herbs and garlic. Alternate layers of meat onions and carrots in large casserole. Add sauce and enough beer to cover meat. cover and cook in 300 F oven for 2 1/2 hours (I cook on stove top) Check occassionaly and add beer if needed. Shortly before stew is ready saute walnuts in reserved oil. It takes only a couple of minutes to get them crisp. do NOT scorch. Add them to stew. Just before serving add vinegar and scotch.

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